To be fair vscode might be referencing itself here
To be fair it’s also likely your code is ass
It is absolutely both
At least it has no ties at all to M$.
People who rag on vscode’s code were not around when electron editors were starting to take off.
Atom and Brackets had terrible performance.
Atom and Brackets had terrible performance.
To be fair so did VSCode. It took years to get it under control and even then it’s nowhere near as light as a native IDE.
i haven’t used an IDE in years but when I did I switched to notepads because every IDE i used was bloated and slow. is this not still the case? frankly VS Code is rapidly approaching the point where it’s just as bloated and slow as I remember those IDEs being so i’m not exactly trying to come to its defense here.
Whenever I work on bigger projects, I use JetBrains IDEs, when I just want to edit a single file I use KWrite. VSCode barely has any use to me anymore (especially due to its lack of proper auto-completion compared to JetBrains) except for html/react projects.
Code lives and dies by its plugins. It can range from heavier weight ide to lighter weight editor depending on what plug ins are loaded.
I think most of VSCode performance improvements just stem from newer CPUs being faster.
It definitely improved over the years but even at the time code was leaps and bounds ahead.
Atom was horribly slow!
Yeah it was terrible but so many extensions! It also helped push Emmett into mainstream
Brackets had some nice features and a fantastic layout.
This is an authentic message for when you open a php project
It’s for the best, I’m told 😔