That gets down to what you mean by “acceptable”. Octopi is not a natural derivation of octopus as the plural is octopodes just like “aint” is not a natural derivation of any form of the verb “is” BUT in both aint and octopi’s case most understand those words so they might be acceptable depending.
or octopi,I mean octopuses is correct too, but less fun
octopi is wrong because octopus is Greek and not latin
Yeah but we’re using English which doesn’t follow Greek spelling rules.
Also, this.
And that’s why octopuses is correct. Octopi is not a derivation of octopus nor do we use “i” as a plural ending in English.
I prefer the original, more correct, “octopizzle.”
TIL: I thought it was acceptable
That gets down to what you mean by “acceptable”. Octopi is not a natural derivation of octopus as the plural is octopodes just like “aint” is not a natural derivation of any form of the verb “is” BUT in both aint and octopi’s case most understand those words so they might be acceptable depending.